Our books are drawn from our childhood adventures growing up on a New Zealand dairy farm in the 1970s. 

Cuddle up with the kids and enjoy outrageous stories about blowing up a cowshed, pigs and their antics, old trucks and their quirks, eeling adventures, stinky situations - all with larger-than-life characters, and lots of kiwi ingenuity.



The Flight of my Life

It’s the 1970s and Margery’s brother, a topdressing pilot, lands on the farm. Eight-year-old Margery is desperate to fly, but her older sisters scorn the idea. Join Margery as she contends for the flight of her life.

Discover how the first, brave topdressing pilots took to the skies to spread fertiliser on New Zealand farms. Learn how girls too can follow their dream to fly.




Best Sellers


Fleur Coleman, Mahurangi East Library

Read the slimy tailed NZ homegrown story 'The Eel Hunt' with Librarian Fleur, down on the farm.


 Other Books by Jennifer


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